As posted last week, my training for the marathon starts in earnest on 06-Feb.  But that still leaves three weeks to get ready for the training, to get used to the idea of going out so many days per week.

So, Mondays will become “track my progress” day.  I’m going to say what I managed to do last week and what I hope to do in the coming week.  
It’s sub-zero out there right now.  Even when we get through to around lunchtime, it’s still going to be very cold… so I’m hoping that the knowledge I’ll need to come back to this blog and report what I actually did each week will be enough to force me to get out there and run.  It’s like so many things – getting started is the hard part.
Glasgow’s “Squinty Bridge”

Last week I didn’t run much because my wife and I went for a weekend in Glasgow… but this week, the pre-training starts in earnest

Last Week

Number of runs two
Links Two runs – here and
Total mileage 7.16
Calories burned 779
Monday morning weight 11st 12lb

Next Week

Next week I hope to do:

  • a 3.5 mile run on Tuesday lunchtime
  • a 5 or 6 mile run in Stevenage on Thursday evening, and
  • the Falkirk Parkrun (5km) on Saturday

Let’s see how I manage…