Week 12 – Good Days and Bad Days

That was an interesting week!

It started well with five miles round Linlithgow Loch.  Actually, I added a wee bit onto the start and end of the Linlithgow Loch run; a loop past Bonnytoun Farm.  this section will be familiar to anyone who has done the Linlithgow 10k; it’s the hilly stretch that makes you loathe your life just as you come off the back of the Loch.

This route did have a problem, though – the road was flooded!  Not only that, but there was a horse and rider further up the road, and they seemed to be very keen to avoid being in contact with a runner in a fluorescent yellow jacket.  So to be safe I  turned back and went back down to the main road at the start of the route.  They were gone by the time I had run round the Loch, so I was able to run my planned route as I went back towards the office

Total distance: 8896 m
Max elevation: 80 m
Min elevation: 42 m

Wednesday saw a repeat of the route sans frisky horses.  This was after work – it was lovely to be running in the evening without a headlight!  And I was able to wear shorts again!

Total distance: 8375 m
Max elevation: 80 m
Min elevation: 44 m


Thursday after work, I took a different route – going out to join the canal at the Park Bistro, and running along the towpath back into town.  From there, straight back out to the office and that was my five miles done.  I celebrated with some stretching and some core work.

Side Plank
Total distance: 8289 m
Max elevation: 82 m
Min elevation: 54 m

Friday and Saturday were both rest days, and then it was time for the Alloa Half Marathon. 

Except, it wasn’t.

On the Saturday evening, the organisers sent out a message saying that the half had been postponed.  The weather forecast was absolutely dreadful, with conditions being described as the return of the “Beast From The East” that caused so many problems a couple of weeks ago.

Their decision was vindicated by the scene at the muster area this morning, when the race should have been starting.

This should have been the race start

So, I missed my run today.  It’s not great, but it’s not the end of the world.  It’s one LSR – better to miss that than to slip and get injured.

I’m so looking forward to the coming week!