So, I’ve been away for a while. Quite a long time, to be honest. I have been running, I’ve just not had a huge amount to say since the Alloa Half.
I had had plans to run the Glasgow Half, but I had a rotten cold when that came around and it just didn’t happen. I did manage the Linlithgow 10k, which I ran with a friend, but apart from that things have been pretty quiet.
Oh, I forgot. I did this:

So I will need to go through the whole training thing again. But that doesn’t start until around June, so I am okay just now.
I do have a couple of races to do before then, though – the Alloa Half Marathon on 31-Mar, and then the Stirling Half on 28-Apr. And just before starting serious training I will do the Monklands Half Marathon on 12-May.
So, having taken most of the winter off, it looks as if things will start again in earnest soon.