This was the week when the wheels fell off my training. I guess it happens to everyone, let’s just hope that was the one time and I’ll be fine from here on in.
The week started off okay on Tuesday with a four mile run. I did this on the treadmill because I was at the gym anyway, taking my son for his weekly PT session.
Then on Wednesday, things started to go a bit wrong. A weather system dubbed “The Beast From The East” struck. This was apparently a result of “sudden stratospheric warming” over the Arctic, which brought cold, cold weather down to us here.
I did go out for a short run, but conditions were such that I wasn’t comfortable running on my own. So I made do with a three mile run in the wind and snow – it certainly had quite an effect on my hair!

Max elevation: 111 m
Min elevation: 69 m
By Thursday there was no way I was getting out of the house to go for a run. And even if I did try it, every step would be into deep, soft snow – hardly ideal conditions.
Friday was lost in an effort to clear the street and my driveway of snow. By the end of that I had done quite enough exercise – and something else was wrong. I was excessively tired, and I was feeling lousy. Everything I ate went straight through me, and I had no energy. Something just wasn’t right.

On Saturday I was determined to do something. I still didn’t think that the roads were all that safe, but I could at least get out to the gym. And it was true, the weather conditions didn’t impede me there, but I was still feeling awful. I went to do eight miles, I lasted just over four before going home and spending much of the rest of the day in bed.
And then Sunday wasn’t much better. I was still unwell, and didn’t make it out. So my totals for the week were pretty uninspiring.