Week four saw a new opponent trying to make training harder – the weather!
Monday was a rest day, and everything was fine. It was Tuesday when things went wrong.
Normally on Tuesday I run round Linlithgow Loch with an office colleague. However, the snow in the morning was pretty severe – so much so that I got a message from the doggy daycare service to tell me that they would be unable to look after my dog. Which meant I had to work from home, which meant I would be unable to go for my Loch run.
Oh well, such is life. I decided that I would wait until everyone was home, and go to the gym to do my three miles on the treadmill. I did have to run the gauntlet of “you really shouldn’t be going out in this weather”, and they were probably wise. The snow outside the gym was certainly quite heavy.

However, I got my miles in and made it home safely, so all was well
Wednesday was no better. I had to do six miles today, and I thought of running at lunchtime. I got myself togged out and ready to go for a run, but I feared that I would trip and break myself, so I grabbed a picture and then gave up

But I decided that that just wasn’t going to be, so once again I went to the gym in the evening and managed to stomach six miles on the treadmill.
By Thursday, I was back at work and I was sick of the treadmill. So I went out for a run round the loch, using my head torch to help me round. Conditions underfoot were pretty awful, and I had to pick my way carefully over the snow, especially on the “back” (north) side of the loch.
On the other hand, the Palace was looking rather pretty.

Max elevation: 74 m
Min elevation: 41 m
Friday was a rest day, and Saturday called for a further six miles. Conditions were still not great underfoot, so I reluctantly decided to have another shot on the treadmill. Fun, it really wasn’t.

It was Sunday when the weather really started laughing at me. here was the weather forecast. Guess when I was running? Yes, that’s right – just after noon!
Oh well, with nothing to be done for it I got out in the snow and started running. In all honesty, it may not have been the wisest idea

Even on the way back along the Hillfoots road it was still snowy

Eventually I got back to the Uni and I had a celebratory cheeseburger and chips, washed down with a hot cup of coffee. I was still soaking, but I was starting to feel human again.
As an indication of what conditions were like, have a look at this picture here. See that big white field behind me? It’s not a field. It’s Airthrey Loch, in the grounds of Stirling Uni. It had frozen over, and the snow was lying on it!

Max elevation: 45 m
Min elevation: 4 m
That’s a week I’m glad to have finished, I won’t lie!